Choosing the Perfect Air Filter for Your Home

The MERV scale is a standard measure of a filter's ability to remove particulate matter from your home air. The MERV rating scale ranges from 1 to 20, and lower ratings indicate a lower quality filter. Generally, a MERV rating between 6 and 13 is suitable for most households. This range provides an ideal balance between air filtration, airflow, and affordability. If you opt for an air filter with a MERV 13 rating, it can last up to six months before needing to be replaced.

After determining the size of the air filter, you will have completed half of the task. The next step is to determine the right MERV rating for your home. This is a rating that measures how well the filter captures small particles from the air and keeps it clean. The higher the MERV rating, the better it will filter out contaminants. Most air filters are located in the vent or slot located in the return air intake within the air conditioning system.

If you have difficulty with the screen reader on this website, call 1-800-430-3376 or text 38698 (standard airline rates apply to text messages). The width of an air filter is usually the longest side, and while the height is usually the shortest side, the length comes second. As air circulates through a building's air conditioning system, air filters trap and accumulate large and small particles, such as dust, allergens, and microorganisms. Air filters with the highest MERV ratings are designed to capture the smallest particles and tend to be coarser. Depending on where you live, the size of your home, and if you have pets, you may need to replace the air filter once a month, twice a month, or three times a month. For instance, a filter that measures 20 inches by 20 inches by one inch as a size might be 19.5 inches by 19.5 inches by 19.5 inches by 19.5 inches.

Insert the clean filter into the frame, with the arrows printed on the frame pointing in the opposite direction to the air return and toward the main unit. In addition to ensuring that the filter fits your air conditioning system, there are several other reasons for doing so. A clogged air filter allows dust to accumulate inside the system, allowing more pollutants to enter your home's air and restricting airflow to your boiler or air conditioner, causing equipment to overheat and fail. Because airflow is restricted when an incorrect size of air filter is used, your air conditioning system has difficulty filtering clean air, leading to poor indoor air quality. Regularly changing your air filter is essential to keep your system clean and running efficiently, as well as keeping your energy bills under control if you have a boiler, air conditioner or heat pump in your Ocala area home. Understanding how size affects an air filter's performance is critical if you want to choose one that fits your home or office correctly.

Air filters also help keep furnace coils and heat exchangers clean which can extend its life and keep it running efficiently. When selecting an air filter for your home or office, it's important to consider both size and MERV rating. The right size will ensure that your system runs efficiently while also providing adequate filtration for your needs. Additionally, selecting an appropriate MERV rating will ensure that your system captures small particles from the air while also providing adequate airflow.