How Often Should I Check My Air Filter for Optimal Performance?

As an expert in HVAC systems and air filtration systems, I recommend that homeowners check their air filters regularly in order to ensure optimal functioning of their heating and cooling systems. The frequency of checking depends on several factors such as where you live, the size of your home, if you have pets or smokers in your house, and what type of filter you are using. In general, a MERV rating between 6 and 13 is suitable for most homes. This range offers a good balance between air filtration, airflow, and affordability.

If you choose an air filter with a MERV 13 rating, it can last up to six months before needing to be replaced. The cost of an air filter for your home heating and cooling system will increase with the value of the MERV. If you don't really need a higher MERV filter, it's best to go with the cheaper option. Generally, filters should be replaced every 1 to 3 months. If you use a higher MERV rating that traps more particles, you may need to change the filter more often.

A clogged filter can cause serious complications in the heating and cooling system, as the system will have to work harder to circulate air and air quality will decrease. Some air filters are designed to last up to six months, while others must be changed once a month. The denser the air filter, the longer it should last. In general, you can examine the thickness of the filter rather than the brand.

You should also take a look at the MERV classification.This means that the air conditioning system must work harder to move air when using a filter with a high MERV rating. A clogged air filter allows dust to accumulate inside the system, allowing more pollutants to enter the home's air and restricting air flow to the boiler or air conditioner, causing equipment to overheat and fail. Filters in the MERV range of 5 to 8 can also trap particles between 3.0 and 10.0 microns in size, but are more efficient at doing so. If there are no smokers or pets in your home and your filter is the best-selling filter with a MERV rating of 4, you should be able to wait up to 90 days before changing it. The reason the pressure drop is so low for a fiberglass filter is because it is extremely porous and, as a result, is not effective for filtering.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) uses particle size to classify MERV values. Depending on where you live, the size of your home, and if you have pets, you may need to replace the air filter once a month, twice a month, or three times a month. If someone in your family has mild to moderate allergies, you can use a better air filter or change it more often. Air filters with the highest MERV ratings are designed to trap the smallest particles and tend to be coarser. In conclusion, checking your air filters regularly is essential for ensuring proper functioning of your heating and cooling system. The frequency of checking depends on several factors such as where you live, the size of your home, if you have pets or smokers in your house, and what type of filter you are using.