How Long Does a Merv 11 Filter Last? - An Expert's Guide

Our MERV 11 filters are designed to trap 95% of airborne particles as small as 1 micron, making them ideal for standard or higher residential and commercial use. It is recommended to replace the filter regularly to ensure that the air is kept clean, energy costs are reduced, and that the oven is operating properly. Generally, experts suggest changing it once every 30 days if the air filter is made of fiberglass filters, which are of relatively poor quality. On the other hand, expensive pleated filters can work well if replaced once every three to six months. When it comes to air filters with a MERV 11 rating or higher, they usually take three to six months before needing to be replaced.

To obtain a high MERV rating and a greater thickness, these filters easily require only two filter changes per year. The general consensus is that you should replace your home air filter every 3 months, or 90 days. But why should you change your air filter? In general, filters with a MERV 16 rating or lower are considered suitable for air conditioning systems for residential, commercial, and general hospital use. This type has filtering capabilities similar to those of the MERV 8, but with added efficiency for filtering pet fur. The only type of filters that trap allergens and spores are HEPA, or air filters with high-energy particles.

In addition to filtering particulates filtered by MERV 8 and 11, MERV 13 can filter kitchen smoke, smog, and virus carriers. The ideal MERV filter for your home depends on your needs and what you have in your home. For example, the presence of pets and people with allergies requires an air filter with a higher MERV rating to collect more particles. Filters with higher MERV indices trap small particles more effectively than filters with lower MERV indices. The average efficiency range of the MERV 5-10 will probably require filter changes in around two to three months. Air filters usually have a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) that determines the type and size of the contaminants the filter will work against.

The Minimum Efficiency Value (MERV) rating of an air filter measures how effectively the filter prevents dust and other contaminants from passing through the filter and reaching the air stream. In general, most air filter manufacturers and air conditioning companies recommend changing them every 90 days or 3 months. Filters with higher MERV ratings should be changed more frequently (at least every three months) to avoid airflow restriction, which can reduce efficiency or even damage the system.